Michael G. Wahl

Dr. Michael G. Wahl

Visiting Professor

Michael G. Wahl currently works at the Department of electrical engineering and computer science, University of Siegen. He is the head of the Digital Integrated Systems group. Research activities comprise Chip design & test, automotive & medical applications, economics of design & Test, and standardisation (IEEE Test Technology Standards Committee, IEEE TTTC, IEEE P1838 Editor)


Major Projects

  • iDEV40: Integrated Development 4.0 .

“Development of methods for dynamic data analysis and yield prediction in IC manufacturing processes” , ECSEL / BMBF, 2018

  • LIANDRI: Advancing time-of-flight technology for high performance light detection and ranging. “Highly automated mobility and functionality through the qualification of consumer electronics for electronic systems in the automotive and automation industry” , Eranet / Photonic Sensing / BMBF, 2018
  • TRACE: Enabling Smart Mobility and Smart Infrastructure by Development of a Technology ReAdiness Process for Consumer Electronics – Process Design and Evaluation, Economics and Test Concepts. “Highly automated mobility and functionality through the qualification of consumer electronics for electronic systems in the automotive and automation industry” , CATRENE / BMBF, 2016
  • TEBA: Regional research partnership with Elmos AG . “Internal university research funding, with Fak. III” , 2014
  • BMW IV: Consumer components with new technologies in the vehicle . “Bilateral Cooperation” , 2014


A book

  1. Wahl (pub.).

“EDIF Test Adjunct Standard Version 1 to EDIF Version 3~0~0” , Part 1: Information Model, Part 2: Reference. Electronics Industries Association, Washington, DC, 1993.