DUK is the new Gen University created based on the philosophy of digital technology for transformation. The specific programmes focusing on the blend of Academic, R&D, Technology, Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Arts & Humanities are expected to create better and faster solutions to the society in global scales of excellence.
This re-engineering aiming at major social changes need effective and matching information inputs as the fuelling mechanism. With this basic objective, the conventional Library System is being revamped to play its matching role in the new environment. Thus the rechristened Knowledge Centre from the framework of its structure as given in this document will undergo visible changes within a short span of time.
The changing pattern of info needs of users, the expanding trends in info resources, the complexities of info dissemination processes, the ever-increasing tools, devices and techniques and the missing links in the work-flow of the activity domains of users, are being closely examined with a view to restructure a better model of info dissemination. It is envisaged to formulate both short-term and long term solutions.
Other important factors include Open Access and Open Science initiatives, Public-Publisher conflicts in monopolizing sharing of data and products, the economics of info storage & dissemination, etc. The process of optimization of user needs vis-à-vis the delivery of matching services will decide the choice/design of the appropriate models.
The unlimited possibilities of the application of new technologies in the info handling processes are also being explored.
Yet another factor is the changing trends in the concept of physical space and info intermediaries/work force in real life libraries.
The transformation envisaged in the ultimate functioning of the Knowledge Centre will depend on this incisive thinking and constructive application.
Thus the structure of the resources, products and services as enlisted below will be undergoing a transformation to a system that is better suited for the given environment and possibly as a model to emulate too.