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Ajin Joy, Mathews Jacob and Joseph Suresh Paul."Compressed sensing MRI using an interpolation-free non-linear diffusion model." Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2020; In Press.
R. S. Mathew, J. S. Paul, “Automated regularization parameter selection using continuation based proximal method for compressed sensing MRI.” IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging.
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R. S. Mathew, J. S. Paul, “Combination of global and nonlocal sparse regularization priors for MR image reconstruction,” In TENCON 2019-2019 IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON) Oct 2019. (pp. 2680-2684). IEEE.
A. Joy, M. Jacob, J. S. Paul. “Directionality Guided Non-Linear Diffusion Compressed Sensing MR Image Reconstruction,” Magnetic Resonance in Medicine,82(6):2326-2342., (2019).
S. Madhusoodhanan, C. Kesavadas, J.S. Paul. “SWI post processing using granularity controlled edge‐preserved denoising of multichannel GRE images,” International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology, In press, (2019).
S Madhusoodhanan, C Kesavadas, J.S. Paul. “SWI processing using a local phase difference modulated venous enhancement filter with noise compensation,” Magnetic resonance imaging, 59:17-30 (2019).
A. James, J. S. Paul, J. Mathew, C. Kesavadas, “Diffusion Sensitivity Enhancement Filter for Raw Diffusion Weighted Images,” IET Computer Vision. 12(7), 950-956 (2018).
A. Joy, J. S. Paul, “A Mixed-order Non-Linear Diffusion Compressed Sensing MR Image Reconstruction,” Magnetic resonance in medicine. 80(5):2215-2222, (2018).
R. S. Mathew, J. S. Paul. “Sparsity promoting adaptive regularization for Compressed Sensing Parallel MRI,” IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging, 4(1), 147-59, (2017).
R. S. Mathew, J. S. Paul. “A Frequency Dependent Regularization for autocalibrating Parallel MRI using the Generalized Discrepancy Principle,” IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging, 3(4), 891-900, (2017).
A. Joy, J. S. Paul, “Multichannel compressed sensing MR image reconstruction using statistically optimized nonlinear diffusion,” Magnetic resonance in medicine, 78(2), 754-762, (2017).
R.S. Mathew, J. S. Paul. “Improving Image Quality in low SNR Parallel Acquisition using a Weighted Least Squares GRAPPA reconstruction,” J Interv Radiol Imaging., 2:2. (2016).
A. P. Krishnan, A. Joy, J. S Paul, “Improved image reconstruction of low-resolution multichannel phase contrast angiography,” Journal of Medical Imaging, 3(1), 014001, (2016).
S. Madhusoodhanan, J. S. Paul, “A quantitative survey of GRAPPA reconstruction in parallel MRI: impact on noise reduction and aliasing,” Concepts in Magnetic Resonance part-A, 44(6), 287-305, (2015).
J. S. Paul, U. K. S. Pillai, “A Higher dimensional homodyne filter for phase sensitive partial Fourier reconstruction of MRI,” Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 33(9), 1114-1125, (2015).
J. S. Paul, J. J. Mathew, C. Kesavadas, “MR image enhancement using an extended neighborhood filter,” J. Vis. Commun. Image Representation, 25,1604–1615 (2014).
J. S. Paul, U. K. S. Pillai, “A Model-based Echo Filter for MR Image Restoration with Partial- echo Acquisition,” Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics ,4, 576-586 (2014).
S. Sreedharan, R. Sitaram, J. S. Paul, C. Kesavadas “Brain-computer interfaces for neurorehabilitation,” Critical Reviews™ in Biomedical Engineering. 41(3), (2013).
J. S. Paul, M. Prasad, R. Venkatesan, M. Braun, “Magnetic Resonance Scan Time Reduction using Echo Prediction,” Int. J. of Imaging Syst. and Technology, 23(1): 1-8 (2013).
J. S. Paul, U. K. S.Pillai , “Application of Linear Prediction for Phase and Magnitude Correction in Partially acquired MRI,” ISRN Biomedical Imaging, (2013).
A. Varghese, R. Rajan, K. Kannan, J. S. Paul, “Brain slice retrieval from feature-reduced MR images using Moments,” Intl. Journal of Comp. Sc & Tech, 3(1), (2012).
A. Varghese, R. Rajan, K. Kannan, J. S. Paul, “Identification of Region of Ineterst using Local Binary pattern with ternary encoding,” Intl. Journal of Digital Image Processing, 3(16) (2011).
Vazim Ibrahim, Sumit Datta, Alex P. James and Joseph Suresh Paul."Interleaved Hybrid Domain Learning for Super-Resolution MRI." In 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) (pp. 3433-3437). 2022.
Vazim Ibrahim and Joseph Suresh Paul. "Super-Resolution MRI Using Fractional order Kernel Regression and Total Variation." In the Proceeding on International Conference on Computational Intelligence, 2020.
S. Sreekanth Madhusoodhanan, Vazim Ibrahim, ChandrasekharanKesavadas and Joseph Suresh Paul."Enhancing GRE magnitude image using low-rank and sparsity analysis of structured matrix." Proceeding Proc GC Intl Soc Mag Reson Med. 2020.
S. Madhusoodhanan, J. S. Paul. A Phase Noise Correction Scheme for Multi-channel Multi-echo SWI processing, In the proceedings of the International Conference on Machine Intelligence and Signal Processing (MISP-2019), Allahabad, September 2019.
R. S. Mathew and J. S. Paul, "Adaptive Fast Composite Splitting Algorithm for MR Image Reconstruction," In the proceedings of the International Conference on Machine Intelligence and Signal Processing (MISP-2019), Allahabad, September 2019.
A. Joy, J. S. Paul. A Rapid Non-Linear Diffusion Compressed Sensing MR Image Reconstruction for Optimization of Speed-Quality Tradeoff. In Proceedings of 11th Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing (ICVGIP), Hyderabad, India, December 2018.
R. S. Mathew and J. S. Paul, "A Quantitative Comparison on the Role of Parameter Selection for Regularization in GRAPPA Based Autocalibrating Parallel MRI," In Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Computer Vision & Image Processing (CVIP), Jabalpur, India, September 2018.
A. Joy, J. S. Paul, Improving Image Quality and Convergence Rate of Perona-Malik Diffusion based Compressed Sensing MR Image Reconstruction by Gradient Correction, In Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Computer Vision & Image Processing(CVIP), Jabalpur, India, September 2018.
S. Madhusoodhanan, J. S. Paul. On the Choice of Coil Combination Weights for Phase-Sensitive GRAPPA Reconstruction in multi-channel SWI. In Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Computer Vision & Image Processing (CVIP), Jabalpur, India, September 2018.
A Saucedo, A Joy, ES Daar, M Guerrero, J. S. Paul, MK Sarma, MA Thomas, Comparison of Compressed Sensing Reconstruction for 3D Echo Planar Spectroscopic Imaging data using Total Variation and Statistically Optimized Perona-Malik Non-linear Diffusion, In Proceedings of the Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB 2018 June. International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM): Paris, France.
U. K. S. Pillai, S. Sreekantan, and J. S. Paul, "A Bi-directional Homodyne Filter for Partial Fourier Reconstruction in MRI,10th International Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, 2014.
U. K. S. Pillai, C. Kesavadas, J. S. Paul, Partial Fourier Reconstruction Using Subspace Projection, Fourth IEEE National Conference on Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, Image Processing and Graphics (NCVPRIPG), pp. 1-4, Dec. 2013.
N. K. Souparnika, D. S. Jacob, J. J. Mathew, and J. S. Paul, A region growing approach using a connected tree path search algorithm, National Conference on Pattern Analysis and Applied Intelligence, 2013.
U. K. S. Pillai, C. Kesavadas, and J. S. Paul, "Partial Fourier Reconstruction Using Subspace Projection", National Conference on Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, Image Processing and Graphics. 2013.
Books and Book chapters
J. S. Paul, R. S. Mathew and M. S. Renjith., Theory of Parallel MRI and Cartesian SENSE Reconstruction: Highlight. In Medical Imaging in Clinical Applications (pp. 311-328). Springer International Publishing ( 2016).
J. S. Paul, G. R. Subha, Understanding Phase Contrast MR Angiography: A practical approach with MATLAB examples, Springer Books (2015).
J. S. Paul, R. S. Mathew, Regularized Image Reconstruction in Parallel MRI with MATLAB Examples, CRC press, Taylor & Francis Group, LLC (In press).