We work in image processing and image reconstruction problems of interest to medical imaging industries. Ph.D positions in the faculty of Technology at Cochin University of Science & Technology (CUSAT) and Imaging sciences at Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute of Medical Sciences & Technology are open to Ph.D aspirants with postgraduate degree in Engineering. Several positions are open to M.Tech students with specialization in Biomedical engg/electronics/signal processing/image processing or allied areas who possess a valid GATE score for entry into the Ph.D program of CUSAT in the aforementioned areas. A qualifying GATE score that enables entry into the program is sufficient for making the application. Please note that teaching experience will not be counted as additional experience for our programs.
Initial selection will be based on an informal interview in our lab to enable entry for unpaid internships with us for a period two-three months during which the candidate/s will be trained for acquiring the required technical knowledge/programming knowledge for embarking on the project proposal. A second formal interview at the end of internship period will enable the candidate/s to enter into a paid internship program for a period three to five months during which the candidate/s will prepare for the Ph.D proposal and to qualify for the Ph.D interview conducted at the institute. The fellowship details may be obtained through an email enquiry addressed to j.paul@iiitmk.ac.in.
Upon entry into the Ph.D program, the candidate/s will be provided with additional industry sponsorships (top ups) on top of their regular fellowship. The amount will be decided based on the merit of their proposal in a workshop jointly held with senior personnel from the industry and radiologists from Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute of Medical Sciences & Technology at the time of registration. In addition, there will be a hike of 5% every year for a period of five years from the time of registration during which the candidates can also avail other fellowships from sponsorship agencies such as CSIR or DST.
Interested candidates may please send their CV to Dr. Joseph Suresh Paul through email : j.paul@iiitmk.ac.in, or contact directly over phone +919846627817 for any queries prior to submitting the application and CV. Based on the vacancies in the Lab and suitability of the candidate, he or she will be informed by phone or email regarding a possible date and time for informal interview. Prior to appearing for personal interviews, candidates are encouraged to navigate through our Lab's web pages and publications to acquire some preliminary information on the area of research etc. Based on the requirements of the project, the candidate will be intimated about the topic to prepare two weeks prior to their date of initial appointment for the first informal meeting.
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