Neelima Sivadas

M.Tech Student

  • Contact Details :
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    • Phone no. (M): +91-9423318660

  • Research Focus : Phase Correction in MR imaging.

  • Project title: Phase Correction Methods for Partial Fourier Reconstruction of MRI.

    A Partial K-space reconstruction is considered to be a convenient approach towards Image reconstruction in MRI. This technique is estimated to lead in consistent scan time reduction. Since MRI reconstruction involves partial sampling of the k-space data, certain issues like signal losses, truncation artifacts etc. are seen in the reconstructed k-space. Inorder to address these issues in partial k-space reconstruction, the principle of phase correction is applied. In this report a bi-directional homodyne phase correction method is proposed for image reconstruction from 2D partial k-space for a single coil. Compared to the conventional homodyne phase correction filter and POCS phase correction filter, signal losses and striation artifacts incurred due to the filtering operation are observed to be minimal for the bi- directional homodyne filter. This report also extends the study to parallel imaging in MRI using GRAPPA reconstruction technique.
