Raji Susan Mathew

PhD Scholar (Submitted Thesis)

  • Contact Details :
    • Email Address : rajisusan.res15@iiitmk.ac.in
    • Phone no. (M): +91-9497332708

  • Research Focus : Parallel MRI Reconstruction.

Adaptive Regularization Techniques for Image Reconstruction in Accelerated MRI.

Raji Susan Mathew recently submitted her PhD thesis entitled “Adaptive Regularization Techniques for Image Reconstruction in Accelerated MRI”. Her doctoral research was primarily focused on outlining methods that utilizes model based optimization techniques to adaptively estimate the regularization parameters in both spectral and sparse domains that facilitates noise reduction and artifact suppression in the final reconstructed MR image. Previously, she completed Master's degree in Electronics with specialization in Signal Processing from the Cochin University of Science and Technology, Cochin and B.Tech in Electronics and Communication Engineering from the Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam in 2011 and 2013 respectively. She is a recipient of the Maulana Azad National Fellowship (MANF) by the University Grants Commission (UGC), India. Her research interests include regularization techniques for MR image reconstruction and Compressed Sensing.


  • R. S. Mathew, J. S. Paul, “Automated regularization parameter selection using continuation based proximal method for compressed sensing MRI.” IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging. 6,1309-1319. August 2020. (DOI: 10.1109/TCI.2020.3019111).

  • Raji Susan Mathew, Joseph Suresh Paul. "Sparsity promoting adaptive regularization for Compressed Sensing Parallel MRI." IEEE Trans. Computational Imaging. 4(1), 147-59, Mar. 2018.

  • Raji Susan Mathew, Joseph Suresh Paul. "A Frequency Dependent Regularization for autocalibrating Parallel MRI using the Generalized Discrepancy Principle." IEEE Trans. Computational Imaging. 3(4), 891-900, May (2017).

  • Raji Susan Mathew, Joseph Suresh Paul."Improving Image Quality in low SNR Parallel Acquisition using a Weighted Least Squares GRAPPA reconstruction," Journal of Imaging and Interventional Radiology, Vol.2, No.2:26, pp.1-5, April (2016).
  • R. S. Mathew, J. S. Paul, “Combination of global and nonlocal sparse regularization priors for MR image reconstruction,” In TENCON 2019-2019 IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON) Oct 2019. (pp. 2680-2684). IEEE.

  • Raji Susan Mathew, Joseph Suresh Paul."Adaptive Fast Composite Splitting Algorithm for MR Image Reconstruction." In the proceedings of the International Conference on Machine Intelligence and Signal Processing (MISP-2019), Allahabad, September 2019.

  • Raji Susan Mathew, Joseph Suresh Paul."A Quantitative Comparison on the Role of Parameter Selection for Regularization in GRAPPA Based Autocalibrating Parallel MRI." In Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Computer Vision & Image Processing (CVIP), Jabalpur, India, September 2018.
Books and book chapters:
  • Paul, J. S., Mathew, R. S., & Renjith, M. S. (2016). Theory of Parallel MRI and Cartesian SENSE Reconstruction: Highlight. In Medical Imaging in Clinical Applications (pp. 311-328). Springer International Publishing.

  • Paul, J. S., Mathew, R. S., Regularized Image Reconstruction in Parallel MRI with MATLAB Examples. CRC press, Taylor & Francis Group, November 2019.
