Inaugural function
09:00 - 09:30 hrs : Registration
09:30 - 09:32 hrs : Prayer Song
09:32 - 09:40 hrs : Welcome and Opening Remarks: Prof. Elizabeth Sherly, DUK
09:40 - 09:50 hrs : Greetings and Blessings: Prof. Saji Gopinath, Hon'ble Vice Chancellor, DUK
09:50 - 10:05 hrs : Inaugural Address: Dr. B Ekbal , Chairperson - Covid Expert Committee, Government Of kerala , former Vice Chancellor, University of Kerala
10:05 - 10:08 hrs : Felicitation: Dr. Achuthsankar S Nair, Kerala University
10:08 - 10.10 hrs : Felicitation: Dr. Lalan Kumar, Asst Professor, IIT Delhi
10:10 - 10:15 hrs : Wrapping up: Dr. Malu G, Research Officer, DUK